
Showing posts from 2018

why I'm done being a "ride-or-die" girl

In the first stages of my former relationship, I had already started arguing with my ex-boyfriend viciously. I'm not going to lie, in the very beginning, it was fun and exciting but that was during our "honeymoon period" and it lasted rather quickly. After about a month or so, I broke it off with him because I'd been hurt. (I'm just pointing out that we were not compatible at all in the sense that we would have very heated arguments, right from the beginning. I'm not looking for anyone's pity nor am I putting the blame on anyone but the sole truth is that I was hurting, nonetheless.) After I broke up with him for the first time, I felt this void. Therefore, I reached out to him and we got back together in an instant. This cycle repeated itself for about 5 months and that corresponds to an amount of about 5 or 6 break ups, if I am not mistaken. I was hurting so much that I had started questioning my own worth. I would constantly be in this attempt to break

"yearning", "a rant", "hope"

Yearning September 13, 2018 01:17 AM Missing someone doesn’t mean that you want or should get back together with them. I miss him very intensely and I still love him but I don’t ever want to be with him. The fact that you don’t want that person in your life anymore doesn’t lessen what they meant to you at some point. This is not an easy pill to swallow but it’s how it is. It’s nothing we can’t handle, in fact, I just know in my heart that this process will lead up to greater things in the end. I’m mindfully taking in the experience. I’ve learned a lot and grown so much from the pain, the regret and everything. There’s beauty in pain and there’s beauty in intensity. I’m just glad I’m even feeling something. I’d always been used to numbing myself to cope with the pain I was dealt with in my childhood and I’m actually glad that I’m going through all this agony. Happiness is an illusion, it’s ambiguous and it isn’t safe because it won’t last, nor will anything ever but what about misery? S


Balım, delibalım... Kaan Tangöze’nin “bal”ı misali olduk biz de... Sana bunu dediğim güne lanet olsun. Sen benden gideli 68 gün oldu. Seni düşünmediğim, özlemediğim bir an bile yok. Evine geldim ve sana son kez sarıldım. Keşke yanımda olsan... Çok büyük hatalarım oldu, çok... Seni kaybetmekten korkmayı bilmiyordum, sonra öğrendim. Yine de kendime engel olamadım ve hatalar yapmaya devam ettim. Seni o kadar çok seviyor, sana o kadar çok değer veriyorum ki... Deneyimsizlikten, akılsızlıktan, hala tam olarak olgunlaşamamış olmaktan hayatta en çok değer verdiğim insanı kaybettim. Aldığım her nefeste sen varsın çünkü etrafımdaki her şey bana seni hatırlatıyor. Okul başladıktan sonra uzaktan sevmeye devam edeceğim ve artık görürken seni. İkimizin aynı sınava gireceği gün 1. yıl dönümümüze denk geliyor. Şansa bak... Tekrar özür dilerim. Çok salağım. Ve çok net görebiliyorum aslında, nasıl her yanlışının arkasında seni buna iten, bana ait bir yanlışın bulunduğunu. Veya en azından bir yanlış anl

being a child of divorce

It's not easy having divorced parents. It has its up sides, as for everything in life, but all in all, it's not so pretty. It includes several fights, having your parents complain and talk negatively about each other, the step parents and/or step siblings, not having a whole, united family... The hardest part of it all, for me, was definitely having to go back and forth between both parents. Because they didn't talk to each other, I had to play the role of a deliverer and deliver what they wanted me to and it included very harsh things and so it hurt me very deeply. They would yell at me, instead of yelling at each other and that is when I learned how to hold back my tears but I would eventually fuel up and go through emotional outbursts. I can't tell you for how long I wished my parents would get back together. I always had it in my mind that they would, I would always imagine and hope for them to be together. It was on my 17th birthday that they finally decided to set


Im Moment bin ich in einem Abschnitt in meinem Leben, wo ich so viel von dem Schmerz wachse. Wie ich bereits in einem meiner früheren Artikel erwähnt habe, Agonie ist eine erhabene Form des Wachstums. (" Agony is a sublime form of growth. ") Ich lerne endlich loszulassen. Ich habe erkannt, dass Gegensätze sich anziehen, aber sie funktionieren nicht unbedingt, aber wenn du jemanden liebst, findest du einen Weg, die Kraft in dir zu erlangen, um alles zu tun, um sie glücklich zu machen und diese Person in meinem Leben ist er. Ich werde immer die guten Zeiten schätzen, die wir zusammen verbracht haben. Ich war noch nie so intim mit jemand anderem in meinem Leben, aber wir sind an einen Punkt in unserem Leben gekommen, wo es Zeit ist, uns zu trennen, vielleicht sogar uns selbst zu finden und frisch zu beginnen, nicht mehr besonders miteinander. Weil wir es endlos versucht haben und es nie geklappt hat. Ich war immer bereit zu versuchen, die Dinge auf Schritt und Tritt mit jedem ne


Right now, I'm at a stage in my life where I'm growing so much from the pain. As I've already stated in one of my earlier articles, agony is a sublime form of growth. I'm finally learning to let go. I've come to realize that opposites attract but they don't necessarily work but when you love someone, you find a way to obtain the power within yourself to do absolutely anything it takes to make them happy and that person in my life is him. I will always cherish the good times we've had together. I've never been so intimate with anyone else in my life but we've come to a point in our lives where it is time to part our ways, maybe even find ourselves and start fresh, not particularly with each other anymore. Because we've tried, endlessly and it never worked out. I've always been willing to try and work things out every step of the way, with each new obstacle, forever, as long as I had him by my side but what's sad is that I never fully did.

analysis: HIMYM finale

So let's just skip the intro and cut to the chase right away. Everyone seemed to hate the final episode of How I Met Your Mother. Why? Because the show is literally called "How I Met Your M-O-T-H-E-R" and yet, the writers decided that somehow, it was a good idea to have Ted end up with Robin, who is apparently not the mother. The way I see it, since the show started out with Ted being infatuated with Robin and since Ted went on to tell the story of how he met the mother but he barely did and rather, he told the story of how he got to that point and the way he did it was that he told the kids about the girlfriends he has had along the way but the fact that even then, he always went after Robin. Sometimes it was subtle and sometimes it was blunt but it was there. I mean, he called off the wedding with Victoria for the sake of not letting go of Robin. He lost Stella, again, because of her. Maybe this show was more about Ted and Robin's relationship all along. Although I