analysis: HIMYM finale

So let's just skip the intro and cut to the chase right away. Everyone seemed to hate the final episode of How I Met Your Mother. Why? Because the show is literally called "How I Met Your M-O-T-H-E-R" and yet, the writers decided that somehow, it was a good idea to have Ted end up with Robin, who is apparently not the mother. The way I see it, since the show started out with Ted being infatuated with Robin and since Ted went on to tell the story of how he met the mother but he barely did and rather, he told the story of how he got to that point and the way he did it was that he told the kids about the girlfriends he has had along the way but the fact that even then, he always went after Robin. Sometimes it was subtle and sometimes it was blunt but it was there. I mean, he called off the wedding with Victoria for the sake of not letting go of Robin. He lost Stella, again, because of her. Maybe this show was more about Ted and Robin's relationship all along. Although I must admit, it would've been much more realistic had one of them given up their life ambition to be with one another. I wouldn't want that to happen but still... This way, they made Ted get everything he wanted without Robin having to sacrifice for anything, really. The writers made it seem like killing off the mother was the most convenient way to do so. In the end, Robin had a career just the way she wanted, Ted got to settle down with the girl of his dreams and had two kids and thanks to Tracy's death, they got back together in the end. This is great in a sense that nobody had to give up anything but it was still a very abrupt way to handle things. Speaking of which, Barney and Robin's sudden divorce was truly not necessary. I mean, this whole season was solely focused on the wedding and they suddenly just get a divorce at the end. I don't know about you but it seems like a very frustrating turn of events. Also, I loved Barney and Robin together. Barney was fun but deep down, he was also very caring and we always knew it. He finally opened up his heart to someone and they got along pretty well. They were a perfect fit in every aspect and to ruin that, now, that is a tad bit frustrating. Robin really was his dream girl and if he got divorced from Robin, I don't know if he would ever be able to marry anyone else again, ever. To sum up, I know why people hated the finale of the show but I can see where the writers were coming from too. Barney is Barney after all. He had commitment issues and it wasn't going to wash off just like that. As for Robin and Ted, well, you could tell from the first episode that they would end up together, somehow. Even after we all clearly heard him refer to her as "aunt Robin", I'm sure we all still had hope. Finally, if you want my advice, let's just stop whining about the finale and start cherishing all the great times we've had thanks to this TV show. If it wasn't for these writers, we wouldn't even have a final episode to argue over. We're talking about 9 very successful seasons. Let's all just focus on that. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank anyone who's had an effort in making this series come to life. And that, kids, is how I analyzed the finale of How I Met Your Mother.


  1. I love this blog !! you have a great style of writing . Also, i totally agree although the ending was a bit abrupt you can tell where they were coming from .I mean it was pretty obvious that ted and robin would be together and i'm sure everyone hoped for it at least a little .
    check out our blog at if you get the chance . thanks .


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