
Showing posts from June, 2018

being a child of divorce

It's not easy having divorced parents. It has its up sides, as for everything in life, but all in all, it's not so pretty. It includes several fights, having your parents complain and talk negatively about each other, the step parents and/or step siblings, not having a whole, united family... The hardest part of it all, for me, was definitely having to go back and forth between both parents. Because they didn't talk to each other, I had to play the role of a deliverer and deliver what they wanted me to and it included very harsh things and so it hurt me very deeply. They would yell at me, instead of yelling at each other and that is when I learned how to hold back my tears but I would eventually fuel up and go through emotional outbursts. I can't tell you for how long I wished my parents would get back together. I always had it in my mind that they would, I would always imagine and hope for them to be together. It was on my 17th birthday that they finally decided to set